Friday, February 26, 2010


I was introduced to a killer place to grab a quick lunch today. It is a fun little grill/cafe on 900 E. and about 4100 S. in Salt Lake. It is called Stella's- the design is fun and the food was great! I had a portabella sandwich with a sweet little side pasta salad. It was so fresh and so delicious! I love finding new places to eat!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Missing the Sunshine. . .

Clay and I spent the weekend in St. George wearing shorts and T-shirts spending time in the glorious sunshine!!! It was amazing feeling the sun beating on your legs and reaching up to feel your warm hair on the top of your head. Just being outside put a smile on your face. I had many moments where I felt like the old me again! Happy and full of life, I felt like saying. . ."there you are old me! The girl that loves sunshine and spending every spare second outside. The girl who loves sunglasses and shorts and warm summer nights. Where have you been?!" And then I remember that the winter me is still in Logan buried under the snow and the smog, waiting for Spring. . .