Monday, August 25, 2008

How many of me?

Online there is a website that tells you how many people in the United States have your same name. My name is a pretty common name, so I decided to type it in and give it a try. Here are the results! 1,421,110 people have the first name Jennifer, statistically being the 21st most popular name in the United States. 21,347 people in the US have Adair as a last name, coming in at the 1664th most popular. There are 99 people by the name of Jennifer Adair.

1 comment:

Britton said...

Haha. I typed in my name and it said that due to the small amounts of census data available to the program, it could not specify an exact number. Instead it could only say there were less than 1523 Brittons, less than 335 Kowalks, and "one or fewer" Britton Kowalks. Exact quote from the site. Neat :)