Monday, December 8, 2008

Everyone's a bit quirky

I was tagged by Britton to name six quirky things that I do. I found this a little hard because these things are just normal to me, but probably pretty wierd to other people. Anyway, here it goes . . .

  • When watching sports, especially basketball, I love when the scores are even numbers. I feel a sense of relief and satisfaction when a three pointer changes the score from an odd to an even number.
  • I keep most of my shoes in shoe boxes. I like the organization and I don't like my shoes to be stacked on top of each other. In my mind they are staying nice and new longer.
  • I am really picky about the condition of my socks. I can't stand it when I step in something wet with socks on, or when I walk across the kitchen floor and get crumbs on the bottom of them.
  • I put salt on oranges.
  • This is a weird one that comes with past jobs and being a design student. I think of colors as either paint colors or chartpak rendering marker colors. A normal person would say that is brown, I would say that is "shaker beige" or "lenox tan." What one person calls red I would call "brick red" or "bing cherry."
  • When I make toast for breakfast, I take a peice of bread from the bag and then take a bite before putting it in the toaster. My toast always comes out of the toaster with a bite taken out. Odd.


Britton said...

Ha! Cool. I'm excited.

Stacie said...

Jen, I love it!! I was sitting here rolling... and nodding my head because I am the exact same way about some of the things.