Friday, January 22, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Menu Change!
- Food Inc.
- Meet Your Meat (You Tube)
- King Korn
- We also have switched a few staple ingredients to more natural things such as pure cane sugar instead of white refined sugar, grass fed and free range eggs, organic milk without any hormones, natural peanut butter (Adam's Crunchy!) and bread from a local bakery here in town.
- I found these awesome containers at wal-mart for $1.99 and I shop a lot from the bulk section at Smith's marketplace. Things are really cheap and all raw foods! Some of the favorites are: barley, sunflower seeds, sliced almonds, wheat, flax meal, oat bran, pinto beans, rice, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, quinona, and raisins.
- We spend a little more time each week cooking dinner and preparing snacks and food for the week. Last Sunday I spend an hour making homemade granola bars and granola cereal.
- I recently was shown an article that talked about buying organic fruits and veggies - it talked a lot about how some fruits and vegetables are okay to buy non-organics such as bananas, oranges and avocados. However three things that you buy that make a difference organically are potatoes, apples, and milk.
- We are not eliminating meat but we are trying not to eat as much meat. We have realized that you don't need meat with every meal, pastas, beans and grains are delicious!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Career Change
If you had to change your career every year, what would your 2010 career be?
I love design, don't get me wrong. But, somedays I wonder what else would I like to do? What other jobs are out there that would allow me to learn new things and to work with other people and use other skills. Sometimes I think about all the things there are to learn and do in the world and I really do wish that I could change careers every year. After all, I did change jobs once a year all through college - and what a great thing that was. Now only if that were more do-able on a career level.
I think my 2010 career would be something medical. I have been watching my sister Megan go through Medical assisting and heard her stories of working in a Pediatric office. I don't think I could do it for the rest of my life, but for a year - sure!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
One Minute Writing Prompt
What would you like to rediscover?
I would like to rediscover my love for reading. All during high school and even my first few years in college I would always have a book I was reading. Even if I really didn't have a lot of free time to read, I would sacrifice sleep and stay up late reading my book. I loved it!
Somewhere between then and now I have left reading behind. It now takes me months to finish a book and that is if I even have a book I am working on.
So with that said, I am going to rediscover reading. Winter is such a great time to curl up on the sofa with a good book. Any good read suggestions?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Oh 2009 . . .
So usually for a nice recap of the year I turn to my journal where I am sure to write most of the important and significant events. However. . . this year I was the worst journal keeper which I must attribute to getting married and having all my routines fly out the window. Next year I hope to get them all back to some extent, atleast the good ones.